The story of a Dartmoor retreat centre … to be continued

Ignorance is bliss

We didn’t have a clue about running a retreat centre. In fact, we weren’t really sure that was what we were going to do. But East Down Centre appeared as if by magic on the screen as we scrolled through the pages of the online property search and the next part of our journey was sealed. It’s a cliche, but we did really fall in love with the place as soon as we saw it.

Our offer was made even before we had walked round the beautiful fields and discovered the amazing ancient woodland. There was also the added bonus of a gorgeous farmhouse where we could live separately from the centre but still be close by to keep an eye on things and meet many of the lovely people who came to stay.

The overhaul

East Down had been used as a retreat centre for over 25 years and although it was much-loved by all the visitors it was due for a spruce up in order to make it more comfortable. A good night’s sleep does wonders for well being so the first things to go were the narrow bunks which filled all the bedrooms. After a great deal of research these were replaced with comfy divans and pocket sprung mattresses. The old beds were sent off to good homes or recycled where possible. The dodgy heating system was replaced, allowing for unlimited hot water, although some dedicated yoga groups have been rumoured to take cold showers at 4am!

The ancient kitchen was prone to uninvited guests of the whiskered, scaly tailed variety, so that too was removed and sent off for recycling. The modern replacement has been much appreciated by our visitors, especially as they were catering for groups of up to sixteen people. The whole centre was redecorated and decked out with new carpets. We had given ourselves a deadline for finishing and when the final day came the guys were all on their hands and knees painting the entrance hall floor. The hard work and dedication of everyone involved really paid off and the place was transformed.

Everyone welcome

Since taking over East Down in 2013 we have hosted countless groups, each with their own individual take on well-being and spirituality. We have learnt from them all and are grateful for their presence. Mostly arriving for weekend retreats, the groups use the space at East Down for all manner of activities. There have been silent Buddhist retreats – one had their powers of meditation tested when Brian, our dog, consumed an entire rabbit in front of the sitting group. We have also enjoyed listening to the singing of some groups, and the cathartic shouting of others. People have come to practice yoga, or to learn to teach yoga, to experience Ayurveda or heart connection.

There have been psychologists in training and those who like to commune with the trees. Every activity has been enhanced and validated by the incredible environment of East Down.

Nature connection

One of the many things that attracted us to East Down was the beautiful outdoor space and amazing views. Delivery drivers have been known to park up and eat their lunch there so that they can enjoy the views too! We have always felt that we are custodians of the place and as such we were keen to look after it in as natural way as possible. Initially we rented out two of the fields for grazing animals but in the past few years they have been allowed to rewild and have gradually been filling with more and more wildlife as a consequence. There are deer and foxes, owls and buzzards, badgers and hedgehogs as well as a myriad of insect life and smaller birds and mammals.

Wild flowers are also making a reappearance, providing much needed pollen and also nectar for the soul. The night skies are unimpeded by light pollution and perfect for star gazing. Many an hour has been spent, faces upturned, as we marvelled at the beauty above. Groups have also enjoyed the fire pit area, sitting on benches which were hewn from oak using hand axes. One of the most successful things that happened was the introduction of our Healing Herd, comprising two incredible horses and three gorgeous alpacas. During their time at East Down they provided so much pleasure and healing for so many of our visitors. We once came home to find an entire Zen group lying on the ground with them in the field, all completely chilled out and relaxed.

So why are we writing this?

We are writing this article to give you just a tiny idea of the magic of East Down, in the hope that you or somebody you know, might be a part of the continuing story. Now more than ever there is a need for beautiful spaces where people can reconnect with nature and their own awesomeness. East Down is just such a place. We are moving on, to start a new community venture, and East Down needs new stewardship. It has been an integral part of so many people’s journeys of well being and happiness and now it requires help to continue. Could that be you?

Please go to the web site at for more information and a link to the sales details.

Thank you for reading.

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